FUSCO, Andrea
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 2.948
NA - Nord America 1.935
AS - Asia 873
OC - Oceania 42
AF - Africa 23
SA - Sud America 14
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 5.840
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.922
IE - Irlanda 871
IT - Italia 699
SE - Svezia 492
DE - Germania 288
CN - Cina 212
SG - Singapore 195
UA - Ucraina 143
VN - Vietnam 114
GB - Regno Unito 104
TR - Turchia 100
IN - India 93
FI - Finlandia 91
FR - Francia 55
AU - Australia 39
KR - Corea 39
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 30
BE - Belgio 29
PK - Pakistan 23
RU - Federazione Russa 21
MY - Malesia 20
RO - Romania 20
EG - Egitto 19
BR - Brasile 13
LU - Lussemburgo 13
TW - Taiwan 12
CA - Canada 10
IR - Iran 10
JP - Giappone 10
AT - Austria 9
BD - Bangladesh 9
BG - Bulgaria 9
ES - Italia 9
GR - Grecia 9
NL - Olanda 9
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 9
HK - Hong Kong 8
ID - Indonesia 8
LT - Lituania 8
DK - Danimarca 6
EU - Europa 5
PL - Polonia 5
SI - Slovenia 5
IL - Israele 4
PH - Filippine 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
CH - Svizzera 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
SC - Seychelles 3
HR - Croazia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
IS - Islanda 2
PA - Panama 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
TH - Thailandia 2
AM - Armenia 1
EE - Estonia 1
ET - Etiopia 1
KH - Cambogia 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MS - Montserrat 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PT - Portogallo 1
PY - Paraguay 1
RS - Serbia 1
Totale 5.840
Città #
Dublin 864
Chandler 465
Rome 275
Boardman 160
Singapore 141
Cassino 135
Dong Ket 110
Ashburn 82
Jacksonville 78
Ann Arbor 71
Helsinki 68
Princeton 64
Lawrence 63
Ogden 55
Brooklyn 51
Izmir 40
Munich 40
Los Angeles 39
Nanjing 38
Milan 37
Norwich 31
Wilmington 28
Woodbridge 28
Afyonkarahisar 27
Santa Clara 27
Seattle 24
Brussels 23
Brno 22
Frankfurt am Main 22
Chennai 21
Seongnam-si 21
Beijing 20
Des Moines 20
Pune 20
West Jordan 20
Nanchang 19
Dearborn 18
Inglewood 18
New York 18
Lappeenranta 16
Bremen 14
London 14
Aversa 13
Brandenburg 13
Houston 12
Istanbul 12
Luxembourg 11
Sydney 11
Tianjin 11
Arce 10
Bengaluru 10
Lahore 10
San Francisco 10
Shanghai 10
Burgas 9
Dhaka 9
Athens 8
Bonndorf 8
Kunming 8
Melbourne 8
Ankara 7
Asti 7
Berlin 7
Cairo 7
Castel di Sangro 7
Giza 7
Hebei 7
Piscataway 7
Redwood City 7
Tainan City 7
Ahmedabad 6
Anderlecht 6
Changsha 6
Falls Church 6
Mumbai 6
Naples 6
Olomouc 6
Renton 6
Tappahannock 6
Copenhagen 5
Delhi 5
Fairfield 5
Haikou 5
Helidon 5
Kaunas 5
Multan 5
Nola 5
Orange 5
Paris 5
Shenyang 5
Tehran 5
Tokyo 5
Verona 5
Casamassima 4
Florence 4
Gainesville 4
Gangnam-gu 4
Giulianova 4
Hong Kong 4
Hyderabad 4
Totale 3.752
Nome #
Effectiveness of muscle energy technique in patients with nonspecific low back pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis 236
Analisi Biomeccanica del Push-up Eseguito in Sospensione 164
Strength and Power Acute Responses to Suspension Training 153
Bigorexia and Confrontation with Socially Promoted Aesthetic Ideals 145
Acute Effects of Trampoline Training Session on Leg Stiffness 132
Comparison of Borg Rpe and CR-10 Scales in Incremental Exercise 125
Wobble Board Dynamic Assessment in Subjects with Chronic Ankle Instability 121
Assessing Balance Performance: Intrasession Reliability of a Wobble Board 118
Effects of Body Position on Force Exerted during Suspension Training 115
Relationship between Anthropometrics and Dynamic Balance Performances 113
Tracking Fatigue With The Rpe Scale After A Standardized Submaximal Warm-up 110
Biomechanical Analysis of Suspension Training Push-up 106
Acute Effects of Suspension Training on Strength and Power Performances 103
Dynamic Balance Performances: Effect of Visual Biofeedback 101
Comparison of RPE (Rating of Perceived Exertion) Scales for Session RPE 97
Metabolic and Cardiovascular Responses during Group Suspension Training 96
Comparison of Rating of Perceived Exertion Scales during Incremental and Interval Exercise 95
Energy Expenditure and Perceived Exertion during Active Video Games in Relation to Player Mode and Gender 92
Short-Term Effects of Suspension Training on Strength and Power Performances 92
A novel approach to measuring wobble board performance in individuals with chronic ankle instability 89
Dynamic Balance Evaluation: Reliability and Validity of a Computerized Wobble Board 86
The Effect of a Submaximal Incremental Running Test on Post Exercise Hypotension in Normotensive and non Normotensive Subjects 84
Effects of differential jump training on balance performance in female volleyball players 83
Playerload of beach handball players during competitions 82
Effect of differential training on female volleyball spike-jump technique and performance 81
Italian Folk Dance For Health 80
Validity of the Italian Version of the Talk Test 76
Validity of a Computerized Wobble Board for Fine Motor Skills Evaluation 76
Effect of progressive fatigue on session RPE 75
Evaluation of Training Load During Suspension Exercise 73
Home-Based Physical Activity as a Healthy Aging Booster before and during COVID-19 Outbreak 73
25 years of session rating of perceived exertion: Historical perspective and development 72
Stay home, stay active with superjump®: A home-based activity to prevent sedentary lifestyle during covid-19 outbreak 70
Association between anthropometric variables, sex, and visual biofeedback in dynamic postural control assessed on a computerized wobble board 70
Physical Performance in Elite Male and Female Team Handball Players 69
Y balance test: Are we doing it right? 68
Home is the new gym: Exergame as a potential tool to maintain adequate fitness levels also during quarantine 68
Usefulness of Linear Mixed-Effects Models to Assess the Relationship between Objective and Subjective Internal Load in Team Sports 68
Notational analysis of beach handball 68
A Superjump® Into ACSM Guidelines 66
Wobble board balance assessment in subjects with chronic ankle instability 65
Movement characteristics of volleyball spike jump performance in females 65
Boosting Physical Fitness at Home During Covid-19: Learning from the Past to Face the Present 63
Session RPE During Prolonged Exercise Training 63
The Influence of Trunk Inclination on the Countermovement Jump Take-Off Velocity in Older Women 61
Is Wobble Board Balance Performance Influenced by Sex and Anthropometric Characteristics? 61
The Future of Health / Fitness / Sports Performance 60
The “Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology” Journal Club Series: Utility and Advantages of the Eccentric Training through the Isoinertial System 59
Tracking Fatigue with Subjective Scales in Soccer Referees 58
Relationship Between External and Internal Load Measures in Youth Beach Handball 57
Comparison Of RPE Rating Scales For Session RPE 56
Talk Test As A Measure Of Exercise Intensity In Children 55
The Talk as a Measure of Exercise Intensity in Children 55
Student-athletes’ Experience And Perception On Migration In Dual Career: The Amid Project 55
Relationship between muscle soreness and training load in a beach handball goalkeeper: a case study 55
Evidence That Rating of Perceived Exertion Growth During Fatiguing Tasks is Scalar and Independent of Exercise Mode 53
Does Mini-Trampoline Training Reduce Lower Limb Asymmetries? 53
Short-Term Effects of Exercise on Body Image 51
The “Journal of functional morphology and kinesiology” journal club series: Physiomechanics of human locomotion 50
Validity Of The Session Rpe For Detecting Accumulated Fatigue 49
COVID-19 Lockdown: A Global Study Investigating the Effect of Athletes’ Sport Classification and Sex on Training Practices 48
Indoor Cycling Energy Expenditure: Does Sequence Matter? 44
Generalized approach to translating exercise tests and prescribing exercise 42
Simple Approach to Defining Training Intensity in Endurance Runners 41
Bigorexia: Identification of Protective and Risk Psychological Factors in Young Adulthood 40
Could Mini-Trampoline Training Be Considered as a New Strategy to Reduce Asymmetries? 40
Multi-national perceptions on challenges, opportunities, and support structures for Dual Career migrations in European studentathletes 40
Workload accomplished in phase III cardiac rehabilitation 39
Training During the COVID-19 Lockdown: Knowledge, Beliefs, and Practices of 12,526 Athletes from 142 Countries and Six Continents 38
The Effect of a Combined Exercise Program on Postural Control and Fine Motor Skills in Parkinson's Disease: Study Design 38
Prediction of exercise capacity and training prescription from the 6-minute walk test and rating of perceived exertion 37
Body (Dis)Satisfaction: Could the Evaluation Be Influenced by Sex? 36
How to Succeed as an Athlete: What We Know, What We Need to Know 35
Student-athlete migration: A systematic literature review 34
Can I Swim and Talk Comfortably? 34
Exercise Evaluation and Prescription 33
Functional translation of exercise responses from exercise testing to exercise training: The test of a model 33
Exercise evaluation and prescription 31
Effectiveness of Different Modalities of Remote Online Training in Young Healthy Males 28
Summated hazard score as a powerful predictor of fatigue in relation to pacing strategy 28
Keep Hypertension “Outdoor” from your Cardiovascular Health 25
Exercise Evaluation and Prescription—Second Edition 24
Psychophysiological Data Harmonization for the Sustainability of Outdoor Activities 23
The acute effects of wobble board performance on hand tremor: how much is it functional? 23
Acute Effects of Mini Trampoline Training Session on Leg Stiffness and Reactive Power 21
Dual career experiences of elite coaches enrolled at university level 20
Body Image in Team Sports and Fitness Activities 20
Do Hand Exercises Influence Physiological Hand Tremor? An Observational Cohort Study on Healthy Young Adults 20
Competition Between Desired Competitive Result, Tolerable Homeostatic Disturbance, and Psychophysiological Interpretation Determines Pacing Strategy 19
Breathe in, breathe out for acute post-exercise stress management 19
Intersession Reliability of a Computerized Eye-Hand Coordination Test 18
Beyond The Gym: Investigating Post-exercise Hypotension In Outdoor Activities 17
Exercise Dependence In Team Sport Athletes And Fitness Activities Participants 17
How athletic pursuits shape body image in young adults 17
Aggressive behavior among Italian justice-involved juveniles: the impact of attachment, discipline, and moral disengagement 17
Sitting On My Fine Motor Skills 17
Is It Time to Reconsider the Incremental Test Protocols? 14
“Falling Behind,” “Letting Go,” and Being “Outsprinted” as Distinct Features of Pacing in Distance Running 14
Totale 6.245
Categoria #
all - tutte 33.504
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 33.504

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020239 0 0 0 0 0 45 42 62 10 26 53 1
2020/2021454 40 1 54 35 5 36 41 38 5 43 7 149
2021/2022665 2 4 19 32 46 9 6 37 175 29 99 207
2022/20232.546 164 202 85 155 123 427 47 165 950 33 104 91
2023/20241.187 179 82 107 78 82 149 95 113 97 50 28 127
2024/2025801 123 78 160 123 220 97 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.323