Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.164
NA - Nord America 4.913
AS - Asia 1.897
OC - Oceania 19
SA - Sud America 9
AF - Africa 7
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
AN - Antartide 1
Totale 13.016
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.558
IE - Irlanda 1.748
DE - Germania 1.082
SE - Svezia 974
IT - Italia 878
CN - Cina 795
UA - Ucraina 645
GB - Regno Unito 376
TR - Turchia 371
CA - Canada 347
SG - Singapore 321
HK - Hong Kong 305
FI - Finlandia 171
IN - India 84
BE - Belgio 72
FR - Francia 47
RU - Federazione Russa 38
RO - Romania 26
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 21
NL - Olanda 21
AU - Australia 17
DK - Danimarca 15
LU - Lussemburgo 13
AT - Austria 12
PL - Polonia 11
EU - Europa 6
IR - Iran 6
BR - Brasile 5
MX - Messico 5
ES - Italia 4
CL - Cile 3
EG - Egitto 3
JP - Giappone 3
EE - Estonia 2
ID - Indonesia 2
MA - Marocco 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PA - Panama 2
PK - Pakistan 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
TN - Tunisia 2
AR - Argentina 1
GS - Georgia del Sud e Isole Sandwich Australi 1
HR - Croazia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IL - Israele 1
KR - Corea 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
MS - Montserrat 1
MY - Malesia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PH - Filippine 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RS - Serbia 1
SI - Slovenia 1
Totale 13.016
Città #
Dublin 1.746
Chandler 1.106
Jacksonville 446
Munich 401
Rome 385
Izmir 347
Montréal 334
Mcallen 320
Cassino 301
Hong Kong 299
Boardman 286
Nanjing 252
Singapore 192
Lawrence 148
Princeton 148
Ogden 114
Ann Arbor 113
Wilmington 112
Ashburn 105
Nanchang 93
Inglewood 90
Dearborn 89
Beijing 87
Woodbridge 80
Brooklyn 72
Brussels 71
Helsinki 63
Los Angeles 55
New York 54
Pune 50
Seattle 50
Kunming 49
Bremen 44
Des Moines 44
Tianjin 41
Changsha 40
Shenyang 37
Santa Clara 36
Jiaxing 33
Brandenburg 30
Hebei 30
Orange 29
Milan 26
Hangzhou 24
San Francisco 22
Brno 19
Dronten 15
Auburn Hills 14
Kocaeli 14
Lanzhou 14
Shanghai 14
Luxembourg 13
Changchun 12
Melbourne 12
Copenhagen 11
Frankfurt am Main 11
Jinan 11
Norwalk 11
Toronto 11
Empoli 10
Guidonia 10
Houston 9
Verona 9
Guangzhou 8
Redwood City 8
Zhengzhou 8
Lappeenranta 7
Naples 7
Walnut 7
Gatchina 6
Moscow 6
Pomezia 6
Ningbo 5
Nuremberg 5
Polska 5
Staten Island 5
Strasbourg 5
Vienna 5
Castelnuovo Di Porto 4
Fuzhou 4
Hefei 4
Taizhou 4
Warsaw 4
Amsterdam 3
Casalecchio di Reno 3
Cuauhtémoc 3
Isfahan 3
Leoben 3
Oklahoma City 3
Redmond 3
Renton 3
Sydney 3
Taiyuan 3
Tappahannock 3
Bagni di Lucca 2
Bellevue 2
Bratislava 2
Cairo 2
Centro 2
Costa Mesa 2
Totale 8.872
Nome #
Process Control for Polymeric Composite Manufacture 1.164
Investigation on Electron Beam Melting: Dimensional accuracy and process repeatability 205
Ti6Al4V Parts Produced by Electron Beam Melting: Analysis of Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Roughness 161
Ballistic performance evaluation of composite laminates in kevlar 29 137
Ballistic performance evaluation of composite laminates in kevlar 29 126
Adhesion of polypropylene surfaces treated by cold plasma 110
Surface treatment of CFRP: influence on single lap joint performances 110
Polymeric composite laminate to increase the performance of natural stones 108
Analysis of spring-in in U-shaped composite laminates: Numerical and experimental results 107
2024 Aluminium Alloy Wettability and Superficial Cleaning Improvement by Air Cold Plasma Treatment 105
Adhesion of a protective coating on a surface of aluminium alloy treated by cold plasma 104
Multi-step infusion to optimize filling in the production of a large component 104
To Design the Cure Process of Thick Composite Parts: Experimental and Numerical Results 103
A new class of thin composite parts for small batch productions 103
Analysis of adhesion in an aggressive environment of a protective coating on an aluminium alloy surface treated by air cold plasma 102
Ageing time of wettability on polypropylene surfaces processed by cold plasma 102
Influence of hydrothermal ageing on single lap bonded CFRP joints 102
Influence of winding speed and winding trajectory on tension in robotized filament winding of full section parts 100
Oxygen cold plasma treatment on polypropylene: influence of process parameters on surface wettability 100
Analysis of thermal damage in frp drilling 100
New feed-deposition head to manufacture composite parts 99
Effects of the curing process on bending properties of a thick woven composite 99
Hot Drape Forming: an innovative technology to produce complex shape parts in composite material 99
Analysis of Thermal Damage in FRP Drilling 98
Ageing time of wettability on polypropylene surfaces processed by cold plasma 97
Study on wettability and adhesion of aluminium alloy 2024 surface treated by cold plasma 97
Comparison of winding cells with one and two rovings in robotized filament winding technology 96
A solution to manufacture structural parts with concave surfaces by robotized filament winding 96
Winding time reduction in robotized filament winding: winding trajectory planning by die boundary offsetting 96
Problematiche di esotermia nella polimerizzazione di laminati a spessore elevato 96
Cold plasma treatment of the diamonds in the sintered tools for stone cutting 95
Mechanical performance analysis of Hybrid Metal Foam/Composite Samples 94
Analysis of Laminate Thickness Influence on Compressibility Behavior in a Rift Process 94
Experimental validation of a design method to avoid damages of thick composite parts during cure process 94
In-process force and temperature monitoring while drilling composites 94
Mould design for manufacturing of isogrid structures in composite material 94
A new robotized filament winding cell to manufacture complex shape parts 93
Cure process design to manufacture composite components with variable thickness by a closed die technology 93
Automazione a basso costo nella saldatura della lamiera - Parte2 93
Compaction influence on spring-in of thin composite parts: experimental and numerical results 93
Milling machining of CFRPs: A model to simulate and forecast the cutting forces intime domain 92
Milling of CFRP by diamond tools 91
Manufacturing by filament winding of hybrid metal/foam composite parts: experimental and numerical analysis of flexural behaviour 90
Influenza dei picchi esotermici sulle proprietà meccaniche di laminati a spessore elevato 90
Robotized filament winding of full section parts: comparison between two winding trajectory planning rules 90
null 90
Progettazione del processo di formatura di strutture isogrid in materiale composito polimerico 90
Adhesion of polypropylene surfaces treated by cold plasma 89
Milling of Carbon fiber-reinforced plastics: analysis of cutting forces and surface roughness 89
Evaluating the spring-in of CFRP thin laminates: numerical and experimental results 89
Estimation of the winding tension to manufacture full section parts with robotized filament winding technology 88
Actual safety distance and winding tension to manufacture full section parts by robotized filament winding 88
Hard and Soft Computing Models of Composite Curing Process Looking Forward Monitoring and Control 88
Hard and soft computing models of composite curing process looking toward monitoring and control 88
Some Issues About Tools And Friction In The Negative Dieless Incremental Forming Process 87
Incremento delle performance degli utensili sinterizzati mediante pre-trattamento al plasma freddo dei grani di diamante 87
Wettability improving of 2024 aluminium alloy by oxygen cold plasma treatment 87
FEM Analysis of Superplastic PbSn60 Alloy Free Bulging Test 87
A method to optimize the diamond wire cutting process 87
Decay of cold plasma properties on aluminium surfaces in time 87
Numerical analysis of compaction influence on spring-in of thin composite components manufactured by vacuum bag process 86
Hybrid structures to reduce the geometrical unconformities on thin composite parts during cure process 86
In process monitoring of cutting temperature during the drilling of FRP laminate 86
Spring-in analysis of CFRP thin laminates: numerical and experimental results 86
Analysis of carbon fibre reinforced polymers milling by diamond electroplated tool 86
Cutting forces in milling of carbon fibre reinforced plastics 85
A new method to reduce delaminations during drilling of FRP laminates by feed rate control 85
In-process monitoring of cure degree by coplanar plate sensors 84
Evaluation of the spring-in of CFRP thin laminates in dependence on process variation 84
Experimental investigation of hydrothermal ageing on single lap bonded CFRP joints 84
Future developments of a new Robotized Cell for Tape Placement to manufacture structural composite parts 83
Manufacture of high performance isogrid structure by Robotic Filament Winding 83
Automazione a basso costo nella saldatura della lamiera - Parte 1 83
Filament-Wound Pressure Vessels for High Volume Gas Storage: an Approaches to Optimize the Structural Performance 82
Winding trajectory and winding time in robotized filament winding of asymmetric shape parts 81
Trattamento al plasma freddo per il miglioramento della bagnabilità dei polimeri a cristalli liquidi 81
Free Bulging at Constant Pressure of Superplastic Sheet Metal 81
Analysis of cure induced deformation of CFRP U-shaped laminates 81
Method to evaluate winding trajectories in robotized filament winding 80
A Method for Cure Process Design of Thick Composite Components Manufactured by Closed Die Technology 80
Potentiality of Hot Drape Forming to produce complex shape parts in composite material 80
Requirement of compactness pressure constancy during the manufacturing of not axial-symmetric components by robotized filament winding 80
New technology to manufacture composite structural components with variable section 79
Experimental validation of a new fibre deposition device for a robotized filament winding cell 79
Correlation of Wettability and Superficial Cleaning of 2024 Aluminium Alloy with Air Cold Plasma Treatment Time 79
A neuro-fuzzy approach for increasing productivity in GMAW 79
New methodology to determine the compressibility curve in a RIFT process 79
Effect of curing overheating on interlaminar shear strength and its modelling in thick FRP laminates 79
AR models to forecast roving tension trend in a robotized filament winding cell 79
Modular structure of a new feed-deposition head for a robotized filament winding cell 78
Trajectory planning in robotized filament winding by offsetting die boundary to control roving tension 77
Design of deposition head trajectory for robotized filament winding of complex shape parts 77
Manufacturing and testing of an abs-carbon isogrid structure 77
A new methodology to evaluate the influence of curing overheating on the mechanical properties of thick FRP laminates 77
Characterization of Isogrid Structure in GFRP 77
Design of winding with two rovings for cost efficiency and quality in robotized filament winding 76
Mechanical performances increasing of natural stones by GFRP sandwich structures 76
Local monitoring of polymerization trend by an interdigital dielectric sensor 75
Laser treatment surface: An innovative method to increase the adhesive bonding of ENF joints in CFRP 75
Improving the wettability of aluminium alloy 2024 by means of cold plasma treatment 74
Totale 10.256
Categoria #
all - tutte 63.288
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 63.288

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020635 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 202 101 81 204 47
2020/20211.413 160 14 133 173 43 223 58 162 115 154 36 142
2021/20221.070 10 0 1 57 43 2 10 94 263 6 215 369
2022/20234.937 308 412 223 294 279 957 5 292 2.003 9 66 89
2023/2024972 96 79 68 45 42 117 73 96 163 3 25 165
2024/20251.020 92 69 226 37 206 28 357 5 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.684