POOLE, Gabriele
POOLE, Gabriele
Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia
"Antonio Bux" in InVerse 2014–2015: Italian Poets in Translation
2015-01-01 Poole, Gabriele
"Carlo Boassa" in _InVerse 2021: Italian Poets in Translation_
2021-01-01 Poole, Gabriele
"Giacomo Trinci"
2015-01-01 Poole, Gabriele
"Guida alla lettura del facsimile" (della edizione Huth di _Everyman_)
2023-01-01 Poole, Gabriele
"La vita di John Keats" di Stephen Hebron
2008-01-01 Poole, Gabriele
"Renata Morresi" in _InVerse 2021: Italian Poets in Translation
2021-01-01 Poole, Gabriele
'Hidden Secrets': The First Manuscript Version of the Giaour
2000-01-01 Poole, Gabriele
_Il Giaurro_. In _Trame di letteratura comparata 8/9_. [Italian translation with facing English text of the first manuscript edition of _The Giaour_ di Lord Byron.]
2005-01-01 Poole, Gabriele
_Language, Thought and Logic_ di John Ellis - Recensione
1995-01-01 Poole, Gabriele
A History of Language Philosophies
2004-01-01 Poole, Gabriele
Butterflies Lost
2022-01-01 Poole, Gabriele; Lippert, Susanne; Cherkan, Anja
Byron's Heroes and the Byronic Hero
1998-01-01 Poole, Gabriele
Byron's Impact: English Radicals, Italian Brigands and the Byronic Hero
2014-01-01 Poole, Gabriele
Bühler and the two-field theory. The notion of “field” in language, between philosophy and psychology
2019-01-01 Poole, Gabriele
Chavez's Children: Ideology, Education, and Society in Latin America
2012-01-01 Poole, Gabriele
Commento psicologico ai personaggi di Lucia e Gertrude da “I Promessi Sposi” di A. Manzoni
1996-01-01 Fusco, Antonio; Poole, Gabriele; Tomassoni, Rosella
Eroi allo specchio: il "Sardanapalus" di Byron
1999-01-01 Poole, Gabriele
Everyman - Facsimile dell'edizione Huth (con trascrizione, traduzione in inglese corrente e traduzione italiana)
2023-01-01 Poole, Gabriele
EVERYMAN/OGNUNO (traduzione in versi)
2023-01-01 Poole, Gabriele
Gabriele Poole, trans. "Philosophical Naturalism and Linguistic Epistemology" by Lia Formigari. _Naturalness and Iconicity in Language_. Ed. by Klaas Willems and Ludovic De Cuypere. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2008. ix, 249 pp. (pp. 25–46).
2008-01-01 Lia, Formigari; Poole, Gabriele